
It is becoming increasingly commonplace for individuals to move between businesses within their careers. These work transitions can provide opportunities for individuals to rethink their career path, whilst being a potentially challenging and stressful experience.

evolve business can help you to help individuals to:

  • come to terms with job loss
  • create new career plans
  • transition into self-employment
  • plan for retirement

example case study

Supporting individuals to transition out of a consolidating international retailer

issue: jobs are redundant due to organisational consolidation.

our approach: designed and delivered an individual transitional programme to enable them to emotionally come to terms with the job loss, whilst developing a career plan for the future.

my role: designer of the transitional programme. Deliverer of the coaching programme, working on a one-to-one basis with the individuals concerned.

results: individuals left the business in a good place, with numerous career options available, whilst having identified new and satisfying career options. They still value the business brand and continue to be valued customers.

meeting your needs

My role can be adapted to meet your needs:

  • designer of integrated out-placement programmes, including workshops and one-on-one career coaching sessions
  • designer of self-awareness building sessions
  • provider of career guidance and career-pathing
  • I am licensed to use Emotional Intelligence™ diagnostics, along with level A ability tests and level B aptitude tests, including MBTI™, 16PF™ and OPQ™
  • deliverer of individual and team-based assessment and development interventions