licensed coaches feedback

Here is a selection of feedback from coaches who have attended the licensing course, and who are now licensed coaches of Testing the Water. The coaches have given their consent for this feedback to be shared:

What did you find useful and valuable?

“It was really useful to the understand the questionnaire, it has stuck very clearly in my mind and I can see it is an extremely useful framework for coaches and coaches to identity where further support and development is required.”

Ruth Broome, Career Coach

“Everything. Understanding the research, the stories, how to position and use the tool. Practising with case studies. I loved everything about it and enjoyed the personal 1:1 experience and connection with Cathy.”

Natalie Harvey, CoDevelopYou

“Going through the process and completing some exercises. The business development exercise was fantastic.”

Penny Strutton, Think Forward Consulting

“Exercises highlight areas that I have not thought about, energising activities and thought processes, provoking self awareness.”

Firoozeh Aase, Shell

“Working through some of the exercises and obtaining coaching on my own issues.”

Lesley Fisher, Metamorphosis Consulting

“The having a go sessions and understanding how the questionnaire works and how we use them. The group session was also useful where we made sense of our questionnaires, there was the opportunity to see how it worked.”

Marina Cauley, Shell

In summary, how have you experienced Testing the Water® questionnaire and session?

“The questionnaire and the toolkit (which I have started practising with) have given me the confidence to become a transition coach.”

Ruth Broome, Career Coach

“It has been a fabulous learning experience – so much to share and learn from Cathy!”

Natalie Harvey, CoDevelopYou

“Really fantastic tool that will add enormous value to my coaching programme.”

Penny Strutton, Think Forward Consulting

“Fun and informative day, innovative tool and excellent resources.”

Lynn Tulip, Assessment4Potential

“Very good – I can see loads of potential and I am really looking forward to using it.”

Sandra Green, Sandra Green Consulting

“Enlightening – lots of sharing and openness, re-appraisal of own skills and strengths and areas to develop.”

Lesley Fisher, Metamorphosis Consulting

“Incredibly useful and helpful. If someone gets you to face hard questions, it works…. Sharing your thoughts with others really crystallises them.”

Amanda, BBC

“Ease of use and thought provoking; it appears to be a powerful tool that addresses issues that have not been addressed. Very keen to get started, see opportunities to use it.”

Carol Cromer, C2 Consulting

“See real potential in this tool and its application to different and diverse groups. Workshop was well run and focused but could have been longer!”

Marina Cauley, Shell

Overall feedback:

“Fabulous experience, thank you!”

Natalie Harvey, CoDevelopYou

“Really got a lot out of the workshop yesterday, and am now trying to get my head around how I’ll add this to my list of offerings.”

Lesley Fisher, Metamorphosis Consulting

“Thanks for the training day on Monday. I am very keen to start to use the Testing the Water Tool, and have confidence that it could be very useful.”

Carol Cromer, C2 Consulting

“Thanks for a great day today, really interesting and innovative new tool. Look forward to seeing you again soon.”

Lynn Tulip, Assessment4Potential